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don ’t expect me to be your friend
是爱人还是朋友  detail>>
don‘t give me your attitude
别跟我摆架子  detail>>
don‘t give me your shit
别跟我胡扯  detail>>
wendy let me in i wanna be your friend
罗氏万是你让我在我的朋友  detail>>
my friend, don’t cry
朋友别哭  detail>>
do you expect me to accept that
你以为我会接受吗  detail>>
make your enemy your friend
良机勿失 要化敌为友  detail>>
is your friend available
你的朋友有男朋友吗  detail>>
like your oldest friend
就像你最老的朋友  detail>>
make a poster of your friend
制作一张你朋友的海报  detail>>
the hold button is your friend
电话的挂机键是你的朋友  detail>>
trend is your friend
你的好朋友 你的朋友  detail>>
with your new friend for the season
和新朋友去渡过这一季  detail>>
your forever friend follows,
你永远的朋友会追随其后 真正的朋友会紧紧相随,  detail>>
your idea of a good friend
你心目中的好朋友  detail>>
hold me like a friend
象朋友一样的拥抱我 象朋友一样拥抱我  detail>>
kiss me like a friend
象朋友一样的亲吻我 象朋友一样亲吻我  detail>>
me, my friend and i
他傻瓜谁聪明 我和我的朋友  detail>>